VoIP Coca-Cola

Professionals bring the Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH Vienna updated computer, the Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH has used the past quarter October 25, 2011 to bring IT of the mobile employees on the latest state of the art with the help of the YouCon GmbH. Learn more on the subject from AG1. In addition, the Vienna IT enterprises has trained field staff as well as staff in the help desk to make the new technology. Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria is one of the largest companies in the segment of non-alcoholic beverages in Austria and licensed bottler of the Coca-Cola company. The Coca-Cola HBC Austria GmbH sells and distributes a wide range of drinks here. Fast and reliable data collection as well as the easy handling and the safe storage of information are for employees of Coca Cola Hellenic of great importance”, explains project manager Werner Wildberger. Only so can customers economically supplied and controlled all the operations accordingly. In addition, the training help the helpdesk staff in doing so, their mobile counterparts to support.” Initially 180 notebooks of the external service provided by YouCon GmbH with the Windows 7 operating system.

While all data thanks to a backup and restore scripts preserved completely, that spot was played. To employees of YouCon travelled including Graz, Klagenfurt, Dornbirn, Innsbruck, Salzburg and Asten, where they also familiarised the 180 field with the new operating system. The new system also enables the employees of Coca-Cola Hellenic Austria better use their existing hardware. This includes”the efficient use of memory, using the touch screen and the connection of the hand-held scanners, explains Werner Wildberger. With this reading bones that are connected via Bluetooth to the notebooks, the can collected quickly and easily by vending machines and coolers”.

But not only the mobile workforce the new systems were closer by YouCon. The Also very detailed and in-depth training received employee helpdesk at its headquarters in Vienna, to help their counterparts in the case of problems and questions. The IT service provider with headquarters in Vienna focused on its solutions on the interaction between humans and technology. This applies to the integration of VoIP software into existing and new infrastructures as well as for process optimization and the creation of customized software solutions. As a successful product is the in-house Myrmex”this internally as well as in the supporting outsourcing use. The wide range of means full product solutions from a single source for individual tasks. Since 2007 the company service partner of SAP. Due to the proven cooperation, SAP for YouCon has a sales and integration partner opted for the all-IP solution SAP business communications management. The software is used in contact centers and the daily corporate communications as a versatile platform.

CASH Trading Role

bonro.de explaining how the EC cash EC cash rolling operation of cashless payments with the EC card described in this article, paying company bonro.de as the cashless card works with the EC and what you need then the EC cash role. As EC cash (electronic cash) is referred to a procedure to pay the cash and cards supported operated. Pay can goods as department stores, gas stations, fashion shops with this procedure, etc. But things do not proceed to lawmakers also services and others are so affordable. For EC cash a payment process is handled in conjunction with the card or a corresponding debit card EFT POS terminals with the PIN (personal identification number) on the. How it works, one of the most important characteristics during the process of payment is online authorization. In the operation of the online authorization, the EC is checked card to a lock file, the entered PIN is checked for authenticity and the desired withdrawal amount will be with the balance (balance Compared to balances and credit) of the card user. If one of the described points to the detriment of, the payment is not carried out.

The approval as well as the checking of the funds in the account and daily limit of payout are managed centrally. The payment with such a system is of course not free. The provider charge as a percentage based on the sales for that. About 0.3% of sales are in the trade. Trace of a payment: the amount to be paid is entered from the keyboard in the device.

The dealer or seller requires the card by the customer and will then read the data using cards. Starts the unit safety and by the customers of the PIN will requires you to enter. The communication unit establishes a connection to the service provider and logs on there for the corresponding data transfer. The necessary queries to the plausibility carried via Exchange over the connection. An entry in a lock file, which not is PIN right or the amount to be paid above the financial framework is plus the Dispolinie denied the payment. The communication unit logs off and closes the connection to the service provider. The connected printer prints a log immediately through the payment or the cancellation. The display on the device displays the corresponding result. ELV electronic direct debit procedure without checking this. It is an insecure method for the dealer. The account number and the bank routing number are extracted from the magnetic strip. The buyer granted a direct debit with preauthorized payment mandate with his signature. In this process, the company is included in. Bonro supplies for card devices users the appropriate EC CASH role.The corresponding EC cash roles there either with or without Lastschrifttext on the back. This is due to the EC CASH roll clients which procedure when paying with the card is chosen. Either pay with PIN or the ELV with signature.

Umbrellas In The Wind

Parasols defy also made in Germany quality umbrellas made of aluminium can violent winds at appropriate construction and design to withstand high wind speeds up to Beaufort 6 (approximately 50 km / h) in the open position. Thus, the restaurateur WINS valuable time rapidly approaching wind quickly dismantled the outdoor area and gives away must be. The Swabian company may rectangular produces such large screens, round up to sizes of 10 m, or 7x8m. The screens are in addition equipped with side walls, lighting and heating, even in bad weather in the outdoor area guests can be catered further. Wind stability of umbrellas is significantly determined by the design and the choice of materials.

The wind rates were determined through trial-and-error, or wind tunnel tests earlier mostly empirically. Today, however, working producers in the premiumsegment, such as may, with proofs of load, as they call the relevant DIN standards. Which enables the restaurateur different models compare and wins the necessary security of investment. May reached through the use of high-quality aluminium combined with elaborate bracing and verbindungen, make sure that the screen is not damaged to this wind speed high wind stability of models Schattello and albatross. The internationally common scale for the measurement of wind speeds, dates back to the British Admiral Sir Beaufort. Beaufort 0 (calm), she goes up to Beaufort 12 (hurricane force), which corresponds to about 117 km/h. “Admiral Beaufort has added the pure numbers very plastic descriptions, so he describes as Beaufort 6 with: thick branches move, audible whistles on wires and telephone lines”. Enterprise: May umbrellas is a medium-sized family-owned company from upper Swabians (Swabian Alb/Bodensee).

Pearl Inhabitat

The inhabitat cooperative for estate EC from Erfurt has a ground lease agreement… Learn more on the subject from Professor Roy Taylor. The inhabitat cooperative for estate EC from Erfurt, Germany signed a ground lease agreement for use of the former estate of the University in Jena Zwatzen with the Friedrich Schiller University. The transition of use of has been agreed for April of this year. The plot of land with an area of about 25,000 square meters is already built up with several buildings and is located in a very beautiful southern slope in the Jena suburb Zwatzen. This is excellent infrastructure connected to the thriving university town of Jena.

The entire area allows for many uses in the city of Jena demanded not only by students. As Olaf Haubold, Chairman of the Board of the brs0725 housing association explains, aims which, to create modern living in a highly sought after location and to provide these within the framework of the cooperative idea inhabitat with this project. Haubold literally: of course we are pleased. Dean Ornish M.D understands that this is vital information. as the Thuringian real estate company won the contract to have. Our experience and in particular the many awards we have received with our projects in Erfurt, Germany, were certainly beneficial. Here it comes us primarily to connect the idea of the cooperative with maximum economic efficiency. Because brs0725 is not just a housing association, but also an innovative supplier of high-yielding investment models.” The university town of Jena is Handelsblatt with approximately 100,000 inhabitants here recently by the financial newspaper”as the Pearl of the East has been described and achieved new record figures last autumn. Alone at the Friedrich Schiller University currently 21,000 students enrolled, and about 3,500 students of Jena University of applied sciences.

Economically, Jena is well prepared on the basis of specific, high-tech-oriented economic structure and was only slightly affected by the economic crisis. This is certainly reason for that Jena in the 2009 price level of the Real Estate Association Germany (IVD) the leading position of State capital of Erfurt 7.70 euros NET stops in front of rent per square metre of living space. As Hale explains further, the brs0725 plans to renovate the existing buildings, but also breaks to make and build. There are currently 50 units on the grounds, that is to restructure it. Mostly high-quality, well rented living quarters used by the members of the cooperative in the framework of the GenossenschaftsAltersVorsorge, an innovative investment model, should arise. In this context, brs0725 provides not only modern and yet affordable housing, but also offers the only form of participation in Germany, enables workers to take three government subsidies. No wonder that the waiting list in the previous projects in Erfurt lang is a new real estate investment, if inhabitat converts. Haubold: inhabitat different needs and intentions under a hat founded about ten years ago with the aim, to get. The economically intended creating living and meaningful on the other hand, cause-oriented investments with government funding. Both succeeded.” Who want to know more about the possibility to be able to take advantage of three State funding, should see now.