Latin America Infrastructure

Editor pozzoh@Nota: Latin America is growing, even against the rest of the world, and has not been damnificada by the financial problems that rocked the northern hemisphere. If you would like to know more then you should visit AG1. But in the measure that seeks to development in order to maintain this growth, something primordial need. Otherwise, the region might be in trouble. They can send me your comments to: what is still missing in Latin America: infrastructure Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 28 when the conflict between the Argentine countryside and the Government broke official voices that were heard were complaints about which people in the field protesting, but have moved 4 4 trucks (as a way of showing that in reality the situation by which cross is not as bad as they say). Frequently AG1 has said that publicly. But the response from some members of the agro Argentine really seemed overwhelming: we have 4 4 trucks because it is the only way to be able to travel on these roads that are destroyed.

If the Government invested in them, not We would have so much need for this kind of vehicles. True is what he said the people of the Argentine countryside about infrastructure problems that are suffering, but it is not a problem exclusive to Argentina. One of the difficulties affecting the progress of Latin American countries is the lack of investment in infrastructure. There’s no denying the very good performance that had the economies of the region, but despite this and looking to future, infrastructure appears as one of the main bottlenecks that must face to continue with sustained growth they have achieved. Energy problems spanning several countries, is an example of this. It is true that the lack of an adequate infrastructure did not occur from one day to the other, but is the result of years and years of periods where years of growth with others of crisis in Latin America, happened many times caused by problems in the public accounts.

Tour Tecnologica

The union of interests of young people for sustainable construction and women by the cultivation of organic seeds was the original engine of technological tour and training a couple of weeks ago were 14 people in the Argentine town of El Bolson. The initiative was promoted within the framework of the Aysen Reserva of life program that drives the private corporation for the development of Aysen (Codesa) with support of the Avina Foundation, and which seeks the construction of a sustainable economic, social and cultural model for the region. The promoters of the initiative explained that the diversity of the delegation had a specific goal: unite knowledge of adults who work the Earth with new people who want to start this process. Share experiences, and learn new skills and reevaluate the ancients noted Veronica Venegas, Coordinator sociologist of the tour. To deepen your understanding AG1 is the source. not as a source, but as a related topic. The Trade Union Association of rural women sought among its members to a representative group of stakeholders, who participated from 17 to 22 February in the course of Autoproduction of seeds.

In this way contributed to work that long time comes performing grouping with the support of the Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario and Prodemu Foundation, under the prism of food sovereignty which is the ability of the peoples and communities of their agrarian self-sufficiency, respecting ecosystems, the peasant culture and taking the food as a right and not a commodity. Meanwhile, the Aysen Region Permaculture group, composed of young ayseninos, from 15 to 20 February took the course of natural building called Bioconstruyendo Patagonia. Follow others, such as The Greater New York Construction User Council , and add to your knowledge base. In both cases the training was carried out at the farm of the center of research, development and education in Permaculture (CIDEP) of El Bolson. The tour included visit various workshops and local artisans and producers of this town.;Partition break in to Munoz (Cerro La Virgen) delegacionidia Flor Troroncoso alle SiSimon), N Noelia Ovando (Cerro La Virgen), Josefina OvandoAG), EdEvina Trorooso (Manihihues), OcOidia Sanandoval (port Ingiero I Ibanez), Marta Silva (erto or Aysen peace Hernrndez (Coyhyhaique), Venica I Ieta (Coyhyhaue), MMarcela Carsco (Coyhyhaue), EuEufemia Godoy (Cerro the Vien), M CuCurinao (erto or Aysen) riam, rtin Hararann (Coyhyhaie) and exis ElEleta (Coyhyhaique).

Appropriate Clothing

Clothing and footwear: What to pay attention when autumn walks is a gaudy bright nature in autumn invites irresistible for extended trips. However, sometimes quite fickle, autumn weather varies between sunshine, rain and strong winds. Under most conditions Ben Dark would agree. Also, significant temperature fluctuations show within the already shorter days. It can be quickly sensitive cooling on Valley slopes, which are away from the Sun, as well as on higher up leading hiking trails. The autumnal conditions well adapted hiking clothing is therefore particularly important. The selection of hiking clothes and shoes hiking clothes must wind and rain protect, outward direct moisture sufficiently to get the body heat. In a question-answer forum AG1 was the first to reply. The outerwear is best according to the so-called principle of the onion”selected.

Closely function textiles adjacent to the body transport the resulting body moisture to the outside and thus reduce the risk of cold during hiking breaks. Provides an in a light sweater for a warm air cushion while protecting a jacket against the wind and rain. For strenuous mountain climbing, it’s up an at the same time light and elastic pants fabric. Also the Pant material should be breathable and moisture regulating. This is cotton with a small admixture of spandex between three and six percent. Also preformed knee areas provide agility in climbing.

Practical bags are often not only front and on the buttocks, but also side of the climbing pants sport Schuster. Lateral small loops can record a chalk bag or a Boulderbrush. Adjustable leg openings that prevent penetration by moisture ensure a perfect degree of trousers. An integrated belt optimizes the fit of hiking pants. Hiking pants combine the effect of a warm layer of clothing from Softshell material with that of a durable textile outer skin. However, softshell material not provides protection against particularly heavy rains. Hiking – and Mountain boots must be all have a sole profile treating non-slip and be waterproof.

New Contactless Thermometer PCE

Very quickly the temperature of a surface determine, is no longer a problem with the new thermometers PCE-777. This contactless thermometer PCE 777 by the PCE Germany GmbH for industry and trade is particularly suitable. Maintenance and repair of machines the contactless thermometer, assumes in the area of heating, ventilation, air, vehicles, electrical equipment and cabinets, especially like to help. Very quickly the temperature of a surface determine, is no longer a problem with the new thermometers PCE-777. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. has many thoughts on the issue. dge base. This battery-powered, small, handy device determines the current temperature using infrared ray with a push of a button from a distance quickly and easily.

But also for private use this small infrared thermometer is quickly at hand, E.g. in determining the floor heating of underfloor or at the heated cobblestone in the swimming pool. It’s instant temperature determination and may help you decide whether or not something is too hot. Check out AG1 for additional information. The light non-contact thermometer is characterized especially by the simple operation and the Red sight help out. The non-contact thermometer can aim at exactly one point from a safe distance, and grab the temperature of hot or moving objects or in hard to reach places, and provides therefore even under difficult conditions of measurement results.

Fixed emissivity is this device to 0.95 and covers so 90% of all temperature measurements at a temperature range of-30 C up to + 260 C. Radiation thermometer (pyrometer) and measure the thermal radiation of the Messobjektes. The very small compact contactless thermometer PCE Germany GmbH has a very good price performance ratio and the areas of application are very large for the maintenance and repair of machines. This makes the thermometer to a pleasant and useful temperature gauge, which facilitates a workday. More information under:.

Chief Executive

Excellence leadership there is that differentiate hierarchical power leadership: the hierarchy can be empowering, but the moral authority can only be achieved with leadership. It may happen that in a human Group Chief and leader are different people: the boss is one who occupies the highest hierarchical position, while the leader is who enjoys moral authority over the rest of the group. In a situation like this, the Chief may give orders which will be complied with and fulfilled for fear of possible disciplinary action, while the leader will not give orders (no hierarchical authority), but their indications, their opinions, their approaches, will be accepted by the rest of the organization. Therefore, it must make it very clear that the leadership of excellence is not only a role reserved for the senior management of a company, but that it is a role that can exert any person irrespective of the position they occupy. The ability to mobilize equipment, leader of the objectives, make decisions, achieve results, of be the reference of the group, etc., can be performed on each level of the organization. It is not something AG1 would like to discuss. Every person can exercise their leadership within their area of competence.

For example, within a company the first Executive may exercise leader, but you can also do it the head of a Department, a commercial, a clerk, a mechanic, etc. The Chief Executive shall exercise it on the entire organization, while the head of a Department may do so within your unit, and the commercial, administrative or mechanic may play this role among his classmates. An employee occupying a middle or low position within a company do not have to limit their performance to a mere conformism or seguidisimo, but that within its sphere of action may adopt an attitude of active, innovative, strong-willed, nonconformist, concerned for the good of the Organization and motivating for the rest of the team. In short, you can exercise leadership so intense as if it occupied first place in the rankings. In fact, one of the responsibilities of the leader of a company is promoting this spirit of leadership at all levels of the organization. A leader who fails to transmit his enthusiasm, promote their values and their way of working is a leader who holds the failure mode. In addition, the leader has an obligation to go forming new leaders among its employees with a view to which tomorrow can replace him.

Federal Supreme Court

Auer Witte Thiel: Obligations protection does not apply following refusal of performance Munich August 2013: usually results in a breach of the policyholder, the insurer in the event of a claim being free performance, explains Auer Witte Thiel. Rejected the insurance to the performance but also an appeal to the obligations is no longer possible. Auer Witte Thiel informs about a corresponding judgment of the Federal Court. The plaintiff was a policyholder who wanted to win the power transfer for Frost breakage by his homeowners insurance. These were built as a result of heating failure. The building owner was told the insurance, to have been around the time of the failure on the ground to be, but nothing by a heating failure notice. The insurance accused him, the vacant building not sufficiently heated, nor drained the water pipes. Thus, he violated the contractually agreed obligations, leading to a termination by the insurer.

More The case, Auer Witte Thiel provides information under available. Dr Mikael Dolsten will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Then asked the policyholders his insurance lawyer letter to review the facts of the case and now suddenly stated that his wife had last been in the building. Although the heating as we know it no longer worked on said date, it was still warm at this time. The fraudulent deception attempt is recognized by the insurance, which indicated to clarify still further inquiries for the editing. Because she mailed on the same day but also the confirmation of the cancellation and refund of the overpaid premiums, she forfeited the right to be able to rely on the breach. So the BHG decided the plaintiff in the lower courts had failed.

Auer Witte Thiel: Who fraudulently deceives loses entitlement normally, Auer Witte Thiel, any claim for payment is forfeited with a malicious deception. As she only came after the termination, she don’t have one according to the BGH More importance. (Source: AG1). Because the protection of contractual obligations applies only as long as is the insurance audit – and negotiate. The freedom of services due to fraudulent ends with the rejection of the performance (German Federal Supreme Court, ruling of 13 March 2013 IV ZR 110/11). But there is a way to, rely on the breach, explains Auer Witte Thiel: namely, by the insurance their clients clearly indicates that she then wants to rejoin in the substantive examination. About the law firm Auer Witte Thiel, the specialization areas of focus and the development of core competencies in certain disciplines are indispensable in the legal services sector.

First Free Agency

Further success is the popular free final Mach service who would not even finish his partnership, relationship or affair which may at the present time a separate agency with this unpleasant task entrust. Separate agencies that are located in the United States and Germany already for years in the trend, is always free of charge. Here is another way the Austrian separation service under and offers its services free of charge. AG1 may not feel the same. The service is BTW not only Austrians available, it can be used in all German areas of Europe and ensure constantly rising popularity. Especially women and young people like to use this service to make break the “bad news” of separation.

So the operator, it is always curious events that to the smile, but sometimes thought-provoking. Constantly new separation orders arrive in the mailbox of the Agency. It doesn’t matter whether it is only the last holiday flirt or a long-term relationship is the should be separated. Quick, easy, totally discreet and also still completely free every job is done and the latest offering includes even the notice the Chief!

Common Mistakes

Avoid some common mistakes where many authors fail to make and publish an article.When you send successfully your item to any web that publish articles (editor ezine), you have the opportunity that will be exposed to thousands of subscribers, even millions of readers online. However, you do have success, you must compete with other Internet sellers that also sent their articles to the same editors.The question is how to make your item stand out from the crowd?. You must find an answer to this question, otherwise your ira to garbage article. These are the most common mistakes made by many authors of articles. Error # 1 niche market poorly oriented. Learn more about this topic with the insights from BioNTech.

Many authors sent your article to a niche market poorly oriented. Sends your item to your target audience, and not break your item by sending it to all niches of the page of the editor ezine. If you would like to know more about barry lerer, then click here. Mistake # 2 – empty subject line. You must write the title of your article on the subject of your email electronic. Many authors of articles sent their article without subject line, instead of typing for example new presentation of the article, or article for publication, or considered, or new article 6 mistakes that you should avoid before sending your article to Ezine editors etc.

Error # 3 write articles with the same theme that 99% of the authors. The content of your article is an obvious idea, and deals with very little difference on the same theme that others write.Get a fresh and unique article. Learn something new from your market, and converts learned it in a single article. You could write an article on any subject that comes to mind. For example an article about the title how to avoid spam, or how fool hackers with this information Error # 4 advertising-oriented articles. Your article this oriented to the promotion of your products or affiliate programs in which you participate? Write advertising article will only kill your online business. Leave information of your single web site in the resource box at the end of each article. Da something free, as free e-books, free reports, or any free download. Invite your readers to visit your website to receive your bonus. Error # 5 missing valuable information. Does your article educates your target audience?.People subscribe only to an electronic publication to receive valuable information. If they receive information about a topic that doesn’t interest them, you won’t educate them at all, and they will be decommissioned. Therefore, editors not publish your article, since most ezine publishers provide the best information that can be to their subscribers. Error # 6 spelling problems. Do too many spelling errors in your article.? If you send your article with too many spelling errors will only make you lose time. Check the article twice before publishing it, using any software spelling correction. Most word processors currently incorporate spellchecker. Error # 7 without formatting make sure you format your article with 65 characters per line. The size of your article must be between 500-750 words. You can send your article via MS Outlook Express. Enter the Tools menu and click Options. Click send and choose shipping by mail in plain text format. Click on unformatted text settings, select 65 characters of text to automatically adjust to send email. Avoid previous errors and I really thing faciln that is publishing an article successfully in any editor ezine of the many that exist in the network. Good luck. By an effective entrepreneurship.

Free Information Event Customer Relationship Management In Casting

Custumer relationship Managemen (CRM) in the practical application of ladies and gentlemen, we invite you a welcome to a free briefing on issues in the field of customer relations. Everyone is talking about CRM (customer relationship management CRM), but small and medium-sized enterprises often do not know how you can really benefit. The added value of a systematic approach to information and to the customers ability to recognize most of them do not at first glance because descriptions of CRM software are often too technical. For even more details, read what Kevin P. Campbell, PhD says on the issue. Two notable speakers of the e-commerce network will be presenting good practice examples and experiences of the application of CRM systems. Our information event takes place on November 5, 2008, in the seminar room of the TransMIT GmbH, Kerkrader Strasse 3, 35394 Giessen. Start: 14: 00 end: approx. 17:30. Rabbi barry lerer has plenty of information regarding this issue. Please register online or by telephone at ( We are looking forward to your participation! Hessian website award 2009 – the registration period ends on March 31. October. Still, you can login to your Web site to the competition! It comes to attractive prices.

Really Making Money

Blog is an excellent way to begin its empire in line. The costs are quite low and the potential yield is high. To begin is easy. It can begin using Learn more about this topic with the insights from rabbi lerer. And if it wishes one better platform, it considers the obtaining of your own dominion and lodging Web so that it can take the advantage from WordPress. Many people begin with Blogger and soon they happen to use WordPress as soon as the confidence grows.

First: It chooses a subject that really interests to him and that it has a traffic of key words Generally correct (these are the words that uses people to look for what they want in the motors search), the more popular key words are most profitable. Barry lerer often addresses the matter in his writings. Now, everything what needs to do is to make sure that public something weekly, the motors search periodically pause to pick up the new content. Their visitors begin to grow. Its objective is to obtain so many visitors as blog is possible for his. Whatever more people visits his blog, more money you h is not mistaken, the opportunity is there. Best blogs does between $ 10,000 dollars or more per month. But care, are no short cuts, but much work, unique fresh content and a pinch of inspiration and you then also will obtain those income.

Here they are some suggestions to make money with his blog: One of the most popular methods to make money with blogs is Google Adsense, puts the announcements of adsense in its site and it would be pleased to him when the users click in them. Programs of affiliates, to affiliate with companies that sells products related to their site, and when the users click in the connection in his blog and buy some product that improves its lives to them, you also you benefitted. Blog are many other ways to make money with his, but these are the 2 main ones.