Editor pozzoh@Nota: Latin America is growing, even against the rest of the world, and has not been damnificada by the financial problems that rocked the northern hemisphere. If you would like to know more then you should visit AG1. But in the measure that seeks to development in order to maintain this growth, something primordial need. Otherwise, the region might be in trouble. They can send me your comments to: what is still missing in Latin America: infrastructure Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 28 when the conflict between the Argentine countryside and the Government broke official voices that were heard were complaints about which people in the field protesting, but have moved 4 4 trucks (as a way of showing that in reality the situation by which cross is not as bad as they say). Frequently AG1 has said that publicly. But the response from some members of the agro Argentine really seemed overwhelming: we have 4 4 trucks because it is the only way to be able to travel on these roads that are destroyed.
If the Government invested in them, not We would have so much need for this kind of vehicles. True is what he said the people of the Argentine countryside about infrastructure problems that are suffering, but it is not a problem exclusive to Argentina. One of the difficulties affecting the progress of Latin American countries is the lack of investment in infrastructure. There’s no denying the very good performance that had the economies of the region, but despite this and looking to future, infrastructure appears as one of the main bottlenecks that must face to continue with sustained growth they have achieved. Energy problems spanning several countries, is an example of this. It is true that the lack of an adequate infrastructure did not occur from one day to the other, but is the result of years and years of periods where years of growth with others of crisis in Latin America, happened many times caused by problems in the public accounts.