Sales Ideas To Go! 1 IdeenTage In Berlin

The 1 IdeenTage on April 20, 2010 in Berlin, Hanover, March 19, 2010. “Restaurateurs, beware: switched to the crisis, sleeve high and the turnover-Turbo” it says on April 20th, 2010 in Berlin, when the maker of IdeenKuche to the infotainment workshop with multiple turnover guarantee get started. Under the title of IdeenTage, founded in 2007, network for successful and innovative gastronomy, as well as selected industry partners launches a nationwide series of exciting events. For more information see this site: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.. Field-proven ideas, concepts and solutions are the focus, which can implement the participants in direct connection in their farms without much effort and thus generate more revenue. Here, the IdeenKuche is a new way: for the first time are considered bar, kitchen and service and presents the smooth interplay between all areas of a catering company. The owner of restaurant manager up to the Assistant finds out everyone, as more & better goes!”can be implemented in our own factory. Top speakers and gastro professionals can look over the shoulder: via video live broadcast from the hotel kitchen there are responses to the subject of cost pressures and lack of professionals. With the bar solutions is the mega-hype surrounding the brown bean of the cult in the focus, as well as trends for latte macchiato & co.

“The Marcellino’s stage show service as a sales driver” on the live model shows how service personnel become bestsellers. This interplay of the individual restaurant areas has never been it in a single workshop”, enthuses Tosin A. David, who is responsible for the content of the service. Enthusiastic visitors, that is our goal”, said Stefan Cammann, founder and trainer of the IdeenKuche ConceptAkademie. The IdeenTage provide an ideal platform for new impetus in terms of additional business”, brings Mario Grube one of the most successful Barista trainers of the Republic, it is to the point. The goal: better quality, shining guests, less stress, more cash! 1 IdeenTage 20 April 2010 in Berlin 10:00 to 18:00 Fee 299,-per person plus VAT info and registration at 0511 / 54 57 72 04 IdeenKuche ConceptAkademie with the extension to the fields of service and bar and the related cooperation with Marcellino’s Academy, the IdeenKuche ConceptAkademie founded in 2002 offers a continuous training and training portfolio in all areas of a catering operation. Thus the Academy in terms of customer benefits in Germany is probably unique. The credo for all offers: absolute practicality.

Twelfth Developer Forum

30 new home control products for Europe successfully tested for interoperability and performance Amsterdam/Copenhagen, July 25, 2008 the unplug Festival 2008 the Z-Wave Alliance was a resounding success: within the framework of the two-day event, which recently took place in Amsterdam, 30 new Z-Wave products have been successfully tested. They reach the European market for wireless home networking in the near future and complete the number of products available in Europe on 75. There are now around the world 300 certified products. The Z-Wave Alliance regularly hosts developer forums and unplug festivals for the benefit of its members. Within the Alliance, these are the announcement of the latest technological features, as well as Exchange platform, which gives ideas for possible future improvements to the Z-Wave developers team. USC is likely to agree. Furthermore the interoperability of products is tested within the framework of the Festival of unplug, recently launched or are nearing the release. Discussed at the twelfth unplug Festival 27 participants from eleven different manufacturers the future development of various equipment and command classes. 30 years, based on the Z-Wave standard wireless home control devices were introduced.

While the home control experts report a high degree of interoperability and market the new products after extensive testing. the source for more interesting facts. The manufacturer reported compatibility issues of new products with each other nor with older devices already on the market. Interoperability as a key one of the guarantors for that Z-Wave has prevailed as the standard for wireless home control, is the ability of Z-Wave products to operate with each other or to work. Checking article sources yields Pap Smear as a relevant resource throughout. By working exclusively with products that are certified as interoperable with Z-Wave, the consumer obtains homogeneous solutions, quickly installed, and can be integrated into an existing home network. The interoperability is made possible by the technological innovation of the Z-Wave chip and consistent product certification strategy and the Logo program. Effective strategy for Europe the unplug Festival has again shown that suitable on the Z-Wave standard-based products without complications for immediate use in your home network.

Christmas Eve

Consider now the Christmas gifts gingerbread hearts make wide for some time on the shelves of supermarkets and even a few chocolate Santas meet one already. Time to worry about the Christmas gifts. Because the celebration is usually faster than thought and completely unexpected at the door. Every year you wonder what you still can give on-the-fly, as the least start at an early stage of the search. This leads to stress shortly before Christmas Eve and long queues at the ticket offices of the businesses. To avoid this stress, one should be at the same time on the search for a Christmas gift. Online stores are becoming increasingly popular in the search for a gift. Avoid a long wait at the box office and the gifts delivered comfortably home, without any annoying wearing.

An original gift idea for Christmas can be found in the online-shop for color noise. Young artists make a completely individual, modern portrait in the retro – or pop-art-style from the own photo template. In doing so, the portraits can quite just ordered via the online shop and they will be delivered up to Christmas. Without any stress and snake are in the business. As each photo can be implemented, regardless of whether the photo from your last vacation, the beloved pet, a common portrait or a single portrait. The image will certainly provide bright-eyed under the Christmas tree. The modern portraits in the trendy look of Warhol are a beautiful reminder and you can be sure that which still does not have it to Beschenkende.

Personal and unique you can pay little. About what the customer needs to do is to send a successful photo. Before its completion, the customer receives a sketch of his subject, so he can be sure that the result is equivalent to his ideas. The image is supplied on original artist’s canvas and is mounted on a stretcher frame. The images must therefore not framed but can be hung up immediately. A fabrication as a poster is also possible. The delivery time is about 7-10 days, a quick delivery is available on request. The Portraits are available from 42 EUR in the online-shop at. There, you can see prices, samples, and formats, and order directly. Press contact: FARBRAUSCH?Verena Schlemmer?Marketing & PR?Of the 25 Vakaafi? 34632 Jesberg? 06695 / 911417 or 0173 / 7662921?E-Mail:?

Germany AG Celtic

GASTRO-AWARD 2009 – the top 10 until the Awards top 10 is an essential prerequisite for the importance of gastronomy in the society also and especially the appreciation of each individual restaurateur. That means his services must be supported and highlighted. Here is our core competence. The participation of more than 6,000 dining establishments is a significant confirmation for our usage. We – the GASTRO-AWARD Germany AG – want to thank at this point for the overwhelming confidence, which you place in us. Even in difficult times, restaurateurs/inside Germany show an outstanding commitment and creative inventiveness. And be the better judge who could as their guests you have decided, expressed their thanks and therefore appreciated the performance of each individual company.

See the top 10 of the individual federal States under gastro GASTRO-AWARD goes on tour at the Gala to honor it, not just the winners shall be a representative value for the gastronomy and accordingly to be appreciated by the public and the media. But if the main players of this evening, namely the restaurateurs, not in sufficient number are represented, this is not given. Many restaurateurs use the quieter summer weeks to make holidays even once. This led us to a country-wide survey: the ceremony of the winner of the Germany at the Gala will be held in the summer of 2009 or, as well as at the State winners in the respective companies? Not only our electronic mailboxes are defected, the lines also have annealed. The result is clear: in the plants the exact dates for the individual companies will be from late July announced. We can look forward to numerous awards. Eagerly we anticipate how you put yourself and your local GASTRO award ceremony in scene. As you have proven in the past years, they know how to party.

Obama Mortgage Refinance Plan

loan modification, Obama mortgage refinance, mortgage refinance with bad credit making home affordable program which introduced by Obama sometimes last year to help struggling homeowners through different loan modification and mortgage refinance programs. Two new programs are expected to be in function soon. Making home affordable refinance program are available to those who are having problem with current mortgage payments and are struggling to make both ends meet. Cancer research can provide more clarity in the matter. Ultra-delicate seeking home loan modification programs are requested to apply before December 31, 2012. another two new programs have commenced in April, 2010 last year Obama refinance plan which introduced with key task of helping homeowners facing hardship to pay their home mortgage by home loan modification and refinance plan. If you plan are considering applying for a refinance loan under the Obama, here is some vital information which you might find useful. To apply for home affordable refinance program (HARP), concerned applicants are instructed to meet their lender for further procedure. They are required to provide few essential documents like payroll, bank statement, list of income tax return and few others as required by specific lender. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Professor Roy Taylor.

Most lenders want so demand letter of financial hardship which explains why the borrower needs to opt for home refinance loan program. Letter of hardship plays very important role to get approved for home mortgage refinance loan under HARP as it includes the most valid reason for financial crisis and your bank statements and even efforts taken by you to meet your basic daily requirement. Typically, Obama mortgage refinance plan is for those who have secured a mortgage loan on homes up to four units. Few other requirements to certify for this program include being current on mortgage payments for the last 12 months and has no late payment default for more than 30 days from the actual payment date. In any case, value of existing home mortgage should not exceed from 125% of the home existing market value. The other viable alternative under the Obama stimulus program is the home affordable modification program (HAMP). Both the HARP as well as the HAMP are meant for homeowners who are primary occupants of their pre-owned homes. Borrowers are eligible to apply for this program if the first mortgage is equal or less than specified HAMP limits.

Loan modification limits are $729,750 for single-unit family for two houses, $934,200 unit homes, $1,129,250 for three unit homes, or $1,403,400 for four unit homes. Under HAMP guidelines, if a borrower is eligible for a mortgage loan workout, his monthly mortgage installments would be not more than 31% of his of great monthly income. In order to ensure this, your lender would either reduce the rate of interest or extend the duration of your current mortgage loan. Further program detail can be increased from the official website of widely trusted loan goals, along with important guidelines for mortgage refinance with bad credit and other loan modification programs.