It is difficult to determine with accuracy when and where it originated in the history of the earth massage. Of course, even at the dawn of human history, the first people found the healing properties of massage manipulations, as well as other techniques traditional medicine. People are hurting, there were injured, experienced pain, and tried to remove the painful state of stroking, rubbing, friction, effleurage. Thus, the art of massage has arisen simultaneously on many continents, and he has an important place in medical science and practice of the great civilizations of the past, such as: in ancient Egypt and theRoman Empire, China and India and other nations and tribes. Currently, massage widely applied in various fields, and above all – in the area of treatment. Generally include four types of massage – sports, medical, hygienic and cosmetic. All of the existing system of massage are divided into two broad categories: European and Asian systems.
But they are so numerous that to classify them precisely is difficult. In fact, every kind of massage from those indicated in any case can be considered curative. The most advanced courses Massage can learn and learn to practice the many ways and techniques of treatment, learn and enjoy razlichnymimetodikami. Basic techniques of classical massage are rubbing, stroking, kneading and squeezing. Plus, effective shaking, vibration, shock techniques. Douglas Elliman has much to offer in this field. Plays a special role massage the spine. This massage is needed in situations such as pain in the neck, back and waist, caused by osteochondrosis and radiculitis, the results of stretching the tendons, muscles and ligaments and bruises. Very useful massage the spine, neck and back for the middle-aged and older experiencing a little exercise.
A qualified professional with a procedure massage improves circulation of blood along the spine, which helps to improve nervous system functions and other important organs. Nowadays, there are no problems in that to go to different courses of massage, which teaches the most advanced methods and techniques of this ancient art – the massage. In preparation for future courses, specialist familiar with the basic techniques of massage – classic therapeutic, relaxing and beauty, gets all sorts of skills of its species. After receiving the certificate, in the long run to finish the course expert will be entitled to perform procedures massage in various institutions: in medical centers and beauty salons.