Gardening Can Be Tax Account

The Tax Office informed home from Augsburg, Germany the first flowers show their splendour and the anticipation of the summer grows. Now, many have the desire to transform your garden or to create new. This is positive in two respects, the costs that may be claimed at the tax office. Garden works recognised as household services or craftsman services. Who cares so the embellishment of the garden, not only a welcoming and well-kept garden, but also money from the tax office beckons back the. To depose gardening about the possibility of tax, the Tax Office informed home from Augsburg.

Gardening will be claimed as household services and contractor costs can be recognized following gardening tax. Works, which are incurred for the maintenance of the garden can be as household services at the tax office in accordance with 35 par. 2 S. 1 income tax Act (EStG) asserted. This fall, for example, activities such as lawn mowing, Plantings, weed weed and others that include the maintenance of the garden. Now the Bundesfinanzhof has also approved that hand will develop, which are used for the initial construction of a garden, promoted tax. So far, works, who were to see new measures, were not tax included. Now, even those services with which a garden created new, promoted tax as contractor costs.

Overall, 20 percent of expenses or not to exceed 1,200 euros can be removed per year. The material costs are, however, not deductible but only the wages and labour costs. As always: the tax benefit can be claimed only if an invoice is the IRS. For detailed information the tax office is home from Augsburg anytime available. Press contact tax law firm home contact person: Gerhard home accountant clinker mountain 9 86152 Augsburg phone: 0821/344 88-0 fax: 0821 / 344 88-50 E-Mail: Homepage: