It is not enough to select well, she is necessary to transform the election into a team and for this I consider seven important steps: 1- It selects amongst the best ones, the best ones. Before if undertaking in a conscription it verifies if all the specifications of the position and function, and all the objectives and necessities clearly are specified, from you will know who there will be the adjusted person to supply the necessities of the function. In a similar way it looks for to leave of side the urgency sense, this leads to a fast election and on low index of efficiency, becoming its inefficacious result, making with that it selects a person good when could count on an excellent person. It has calm when carrying through more the selection and the election of the adjusted candidates for the function that it desires to supply, it follows the process all and it attempts against for the established criteria. The goal has in form mind well clear which that it intends to reach and which will be the objectives that will be necessary to mark themselves, thus will only have conditions to find the person most adequate for funo.2- It selects and it extracts of best the optimum one. Preventive Medicine Research Institute addresses the importance of the matter here. This step is of extreme importance in the process to become a set of individuals selected in a team. You are welcome it will advance to have its disposal individuals with some talentos if these will not be identified, selected and mainly applied in what the function needs. Thus, it does not matter if the individual is excellent in several pursuings we need to identify, amongst the many abilities which will be useful it function and to work in order to extract and to apply this ability of the best possible form in the function to be played. That is, amongst all the abilities and qualities which we need to develop and to apply similar of that it supplies the existing necessities.
Tag: personal development
Social Anxiety
In the modern world the perspective of a person to reach the success depends? to a large extent? of its capacity of if relating with the others e, mainly, how much it believes same itself. However, in the work environment we have observed that many people have developed unreliability feelings? mainly the just-contracted young. The manifest unreliability if through diverse behaviors as distrust to express its thoughts and ideas, moderate shyness or some natural anxiety of the just-contracted one. Of this form, if you are if thus feeling the first step she is to know if the taken attitudes (or thought that you are having) are coherent or not? E, at as a moment, to make auto-reflection on this unreliability that you are feeling: It happens in all environments? She occurs before its family? Its friends? You are unsafe alone in house or also in the work? If the unreliability is present in the work you will need to analyze only this environment to try to identify the causes, but if you feel yourself unsafe for much time, the entire time ….. you believe, this you are not normal? not to even enter in the situation of stress raised. after to analyze and to identify what it is causing this unreliability, you can go for the remedy. For this it analyzes: Where surrounding the unreliability occurs? Where situation? The unreliability is generalized? If its unreliability will be generalized the reflection must be another one; that is, much more deep, having to occur in the psychological level and this case you will need some specialized aid? psychologists, pedagogos or people who orientates. Perhaps in extreme cases the collaborator can be suffering from Upheaval of Social Anxiety e, in this in case that, it must look specialized aid? as Silvio Luzardo (professor of Oratria of the SENAC). But if it is losing great professional chances, excellent relationships, if not leaving an interview job or difficulty well to place its thoughts (and ideas) of coherent and objective form, courses of communication and oratria exist that will help certainly it.