Analytical Chemistry

I think that readers familiar with this concept as "biogeochemical zones" (provinces). The founder of the doctrine of biogeochemistry is VI Vernadsky. They created the first biogeochemical laboratory. Other leaders such as Dean Ornish M.D offer similar insights. As a result of its operations (now the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Vernadsky RAS), there was a study of the biogeochemical provinces. Biogeochemical provinces – an area on the Earth's surface, characterized by specific to their content of chemical elements in rocks, soil, surface and groundwater, vegetation, which affects the spread of some diseases, which are called endemic. They are caused by an excess or deficiency of some chemical elements in water and local foods. The most typical endemic diseases are endemic goitre with iodine deficiency in food, dental caries with a deficit in the drinking water fluoride, fluorosis with an excess of fluoride in the environment.

In addition to natural biogeochemical provinces, whose boundaries are often all coincide with the spread of certain types of rocks or soil, there were man-made (anthropogenic) biogeochemical provinces. Their appearance is due to the technological activities of man, pollution the environment from industrial development. In the Soviet Union was a system of biogeochemical zoning (1958-1964). Food of animal origin, obtained from animals in the biogeochemical zone, especially in the excessive content of some toxic elements, represent a direct danger to humans. As you can see, this problem has always existed. Even without human intervention in nature, it is not always were "paradises" that are suitable for healthy and long life. The food we eat.