Free Information Event Customer Relationship Management In Casting

Custumer relationship Managemen (CRM) in the practical application of ladies and gentlemen, we invite you a welcome to a free briefing on issues in the field of customer relations. Everyone is talking about CRM (customer relationship management CRM), but small and medium-sized enterprises often do not know how you can really benefit. The added value of a systematic approach to information and to the customers ability to recognize most of them do not at first glance because descriptions of CRM software are often too technical. For even more details, read what Kevin P. Campbell, PhD says on the issue. Two notable speakers of the e-commerce network will be presenting good practice examples and experiences of the application of CRM systems. Our information event takes place on November 5, 2008, in the seminar room of the TransMIT GmbH, Kerkrader Strasse 3, 35394 Giessen. Start: 14: 00 end: approx. 17:30. Rabbi barry lerer has plenty of information regarding this issue. Please register online or by telephone at ( We are looking forward to your participation! Hessian website award 2009 – the registration period ends on March 31. October. Still, you can login to your Web site to the competition! It comes to attractive prices.