San Lucas Department

From the military point of view, the purpose of the insurgency was to extend its presence to the sites more sections of the Colombian territory, as this claim was the implementation on the ground of the principle of management of space that directs the guerrilla warfare, i.e. freedom of movement that would spread the confrontation throughout the countryas indeed happened, because except the Department of San Andres Island, the insurgency towards military presence, to a greater or lesser degree, in all Colombian departments. Finally the FARC sought to try to wrap the Cordillera Oriental from the Serrania de la Macarena until Bogota using the route to the plain, with the goal of encircling – quotes – the political and economic center of the country, through the joint action of the seven fronts which at that time were concentrated around the Capital; purpose that I fail to lose the tactical advantage they had at the beginning of the action, that I forced them to retreat and that had in turn as a result loss of crops and control the processing of poppy in this mountain range and to not overtake extortion on the productive sector; This situation had ended, with the Sumapaz Paramo by the Colombian armed force and the subsequent installation of a battalion of high mountain, takes what I cerceno one of the most important selector of mobility of this organization. Cancer research usually is spot on. For its part the ELN, at the beginning of the 1980s, organized a series of columns that made it possible for you to perform actions in their areas of greatest influence and run political campaigns and of indoctrination, in order to divide the country with the establishment of a zone under their domain, which extend from the northeast of the Department of Antioquia to the West of the Department of Arauca. This strategy would be then dismantled by the illegal self-defence forces to take control of the Serrania de San Lucas. .