Family Health

Purperas searched in the Unit of Health of Family VI, that they had received orientation on breast-feeding during the prenatal one. SOURCE: Research of Field, 2009. Professor Roy Taylor spoke with conviction. GRAPH 3 represents the orientaes received during the consultations from prenatal on breast-feeding, 70% had answered that they had received orientaes from the nurses during the consultations of prenatal, while 30% of them had told not to have received no type of orientation. During the prenatal assistance, the women must be informed on the benefits of breast-feeding and be guided how much to the techniques, advantages and eventual happened complications of the act to suckle. The amount and, mainly, the quality of the information given to the gestante in the prenatal one influence in the best choice that is the option for exclusive breast-feeding. GRAPH 4? (%) of purperas searched in the Unit of Health of Family VI on the knowledge of the nutricionais differences between the milk of cow and milk maternal. SOURCE: Research of Field, 2009. In relation to the knowledge of the nutricionais differences between the milk of cow and maternal milk, 75% of purperas do not know this difference, while only 25% of purperas have the knowledge of such differences (GRAPHICAL 4). It is perceived that the majority of purperas does not possess the knowledge on the composition of the milk of cow and the composition of human milk, is verified that more educative actions on the part of the professionals of the area of health in what are necessary says respect the biggest clarifications on these milk as well as its advantages and disadvantages, therefore, such information are of utmost importance for the agreement, sensitization and maintenance of the exclusive aleitamento until the sixth month of life of the child. The basic difference is the easy digestion of human milk for the baby, in relation the cow milk; another important advantage is that it is capable to reduce the incidence of alrgicas illnesses infectious.

Moving Wheels

If you are needing to use a chair of wheels for little time or for all its life, is very important to choose the certain chair of wheels for you. With as many chairs of wheels in the market nowadays, he can be a difficult task to carry through, but you can easily buy the chair of wheels ideal or even though to opt to the rent, becoming well informed on its choices, looking for to exactly know more on the chairs and which the best solution for itself. See Preventive Medicine Research Institute for more details and insights. Before buying its new way of transport, optimum he is to have an understanding of the different types of chairs of wheels. Chairs of manual wheels are chairs of wheels that they need to be controlled for the person who uses the chair of wheels, or for somebody pushing the chair of wheels. Some different types of chairs of wheels exist manual. Lighter chairs, or chairs of adaptable wheels for younger children or people exist, who also go growing consonant the user. Chairs of wheels for institucional necessities exist that are accessible, but are destined only for use of chair of wheels minimum – comumente used for transport of people in hospitals and asylums. They more are adjusted for use in short term of time, for that they do not use a chair of wheels with much frequency or for that have superior force of the body.

Those that has limited movement or of a superior weak body can need somebody to push them, or can want to consider the electric chair of wheels. Chairs of electric wheels are chairs of wheels moved by an engine. They had been especially created for those individuals with little or no mobility of the body, or for that they use chairs of wheels as its primary source of if moving. They are more expensive of what the chairs of manual wheels, but the cost is definitively a laudering when considering if its necessities of chair of wheels are substantial. Chairs of electric wheels come in some styles – the traditional style of electric chair of wheels if is similar to a manual chair of wheels with the exception of the engine, battery and controls; the platform chair of wheels electric if seem a seat placed in the superior part of the pack of the engine more. For times if its necessity will be temporary and not to be about a so serious injury only needs to use crutches and there the ideal is to opt to the rent crutches, this if it will not be to need them for all its life. With the chairs of wheels it can make the same, to opt to the rent chair of wheels. This service is fantastic for people with locomotion difficulty and intends for example to travel, and has many companies who give this service and even though deliver its chair of wheels in airports.

Monitoring Epidemiologist

It follows that population has, in most of the ways, means of diagnosis and types of traditional treatments of TB. Key-words: Tuberculosis. Treatment. Elderly. REFERENCES ANDREOLI, Thomas E.

CARPENTER, Charles C.J. GRIGGS, Robert C. LOSCALZO, Joseph. Cecil Basic Internal Medicine – 5a Edition. Rio De Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2002. AZEVEDO, Patrick.

Secretariat of the Health commemorates Day of Combat to the Tuberculosis. So Lus, State Secretariat of Health, 2008. Secretariat of Monitoring in Health. National program of Control of Tuberculosis. 2005. Brasilia; MS. Available in: . Access in 16 Out. 2008. CAGLIARI, Juliano de Souza; FIGUEIREDO, Rosely Moralez of. Profile of Patients with Tuberculosis Interned in Hospital Specialized in Brazil. Magazine Panam Infectol 2007. Available in: . Access in 15 Set. 2008. IT LAUNCHES, Mrcio Atade. Pulmonary tuberculosis. 2006. Available in: . Access in: 28 out. 2008. SECOM. Secretariat of Communication. So Lus in the fight against the tuberculosis. So Lus, 2006. Available in: < Access in 12 set., 2008. TONELLI. Edward; FREIRE. Lincoln M.S. 2 Ed. 2 volumes. Rio De Janeiro. 2000. MEDSI Medical Publishing company and Scientific Ltda. Infectious illnesses in infancy and adolescence. VERONESI. Ricardo; FOCCACIA, Robert. Treated to Infectologia. 3 Ed. So Paulo. Ed. Atheneu, 2005. P. 1139 1205 * Pupils of the course of graduation of Nursing of the University Center of Maranho – UNICEUMA.


Beyond the racial influence implying prevalences so opponents, we have that to take in consideration the different routines adopted in each place for the tracing of DG and the different criteria used for its diagnosis. (KATZ et al, 2002). Studies prove that the pregnant woman increases alimentary ingestion e, with this, the weight profit. This occurs in gestantes with or without diabetes. The results of the studies show that the density of nutrients of the diet was bigger in women with diabetes gestacional, having an increase in the vitamin consumption and the D, beyond iron and acid flico. With this, accompaniment to this gestante woman becomes necessary, had to some complications that can occur as, for example, the daily pay-eclmpsia or even though the eclampsia, a time that, diabetes in the gestation is considered of risk. Therefore, this work aims at to show the process of diabetes in the gestation, treatment and decurrent complications of this process, as well as stimulating to the gestantes to adopt measured that they prevent the appearance of this disease or minimize the agravos/complications of this process. METHODOLOGY Is about a bibliographical study, of descriptive and exploratria nature, carried through through a data-collecting concerning diabetes gestacional.

For the accomplishment of this work, articles propagated national through the Internet and in books had been consulted that approached the subject in question. For the collection of data a revision of pertinent literature to the boarded subjects through the consultation of scientific articles and books was effected, where 12 articles by means of sites had been analyzed as the academic Google and scielo and 3 books that March contemplated the subject in the period the June of 2011. RESULTS AND QUARRELS FACTORS OF RISK RELATED TO DIABETES GESTACIONAL diabetes mellitus gestacional occurs due the two factors generally: the resistance to the insulina, for the reduction of fabrics in answering to the insulina and the disfuno of the cells? , for the inadequate secretion (many times, consequncia of the resistance to the insulina). .