Science Knowledge

This phenomenon if characterizes for a set of organized processes, elaborated for the man throughout its history, resulting in the construction of the scientific knowledge. When directing our look for society, in general we see that educating still leaves the school with insufficient scientific knowledge to understand the world encircles that it. Therefore, it is necessary to review the process of education and learning in the pertaining to school context, in way that the traditional model of education, in which if it prioritizes the memorization of the contents, without the had reflection, either surpassed for a model that develops the capacity of the educandos in searching scientific explanations for the facts, through critical positions, referenciadas for the scientific knowledge. When considering the pertaining to school context, we send an understanding to it of the necessity that the school possesss to get didactic materials in the lessons and, mainly, to keep partnerships with institutions of spreading of Science. Inside of this conception, the Astronomical Polar region Casimiro Montenegro Son, a center of Science, articulates and facilitates to the process of education and learning, for being a fomentador of the construction of the scientific knowledge. ings.

From the agreement of the benefits that these partnerships can bring for the school, we search to implement a proposal to complement the lessons in room. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Douglas Elliman. a>!). Throughout the activities, we reach some positive results, motivating, thus, its spreading, to take them it the knowledge of more people. To work such proposals, we search to develop the contents in a perspective of projects. The work with projects sends in them to the interdisciplinaridade. Thus, it has the complementation between Sciences, being this a joint ownership, that is you discipline, them are dealt with way that one complements to another one. Our efforts are in the direction to develop a methodology based on the education of Sciences, and mainly to work Astronomy, due to importance of this Science in the initial series of Ensino Basic.

The Method

Consider the case where: N = 1 / (1-b ) (3) Then the coordinate transformation will look like: t = (t '+ x'b / c) / (1-b ), x = (bct' + x ') / (1-b ) (4) y = y' / (1-b ) z = z '/ (1-b ) 2) derive a formula of addition of velocities. A) In the beginning, we show that the method of differentiation is not suitable for the derivation of addition of velocities. We show this for example, special relativity. We will not ask all the symbols – it is done almost identically by many authors (for example, I enjoyed the book Efimov). To derive the velocity addition use the Lorentz transformations: t = (t '+ x'v / c ) / (1-v / c ), x = (vt' + x ') / (1-v / c ) (1A) I note that in ( 1A), the sign of the velocity v changes the value of the coordinates. In this case, it (the sign) determines the direction of motion of the moving inertial frame S ', with respect to stationary inertial frame S. Next take the total differentials, share and get: dx / dt = (v + dx '/ dt') / (1 + (v / c ) (dx '/ dt')) (2A) or u = (v + u ' ) / (1 + vu '/ c ) (3A) This is the desired formula. C mathematical point of view, everything seems perfect.