National Institute

(Unofficially). With schools No problem. Universities, too, abound. The level of education is inferior to that in universities in the capital. Major Universities Sochi: Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation, Sochi Branch of the Russian University Peoples' Friendship, Sochi branch of the State Academy of spheres of life and services, Sochi branch of Modern Humanitarian Institute, the Black Sea for the Humanities. In addition, the city has a research Institutions: National Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops, Institute of Mountain Forestry and forest ecology, primatology and Research Institute of Spa. In some research institutes, as well as in universities have graduate programs. HEALTH AND SPORT IN SOCHI Up Sochi was recently Russia.

In view of the upcoming Olympic event in the country begins to be secured fame sports capital of Russia. In place of traditional Sochi sports (football, athletics, cycling, climbing, rafting, swimming, sailing, windsurfing, etc.) come new ones, such as figure skating, hockey, and in the near future and bobsleigh, curling. With regard to health. Saying 'there is no free health care' in fully acceptable for Sochi. So if you want to get quality health care, be prepared to pay the money. ECOLOGY Sochi Sochi on environmental issues especially zealously talked about in connection with construction of Olympic facilities and exclusion of some territories in the Sochi National Park. I myself an ecologist and I can truthfully say that this problem is of course important, but solvable, if initially properly treat the development of projects. A much more serious environmental threat to the environment and human health is transportation.

Spa-Vacations – Israel

Israel has long been loved by tourists for its numerous resorts with the greatest history of Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Hebron, Haifa, and others. But in Israel there are other riches – a great opportunity for recovery, treatment, and Spa-sea otdyha.Mertvoe most valuable and well-deserved popularity has earned the unique Dead Sea resort. Barbara Martin Coppola might disagree with that approach. It is believed that in ancient times were located five cities mentioned in the Bible: Sodom Gomorrah, Adma, Sevoim and Zoar. Even in biblical times, the lake had several names – the Salt Sea, Sea Plains, Ha-Arava, East Sea, Sea Salt, Sea of Sodom … The Dead Sea has the same size and shape, and that in times of Abraham. However, in modern days, the water level in the Dead Sea each year is reduced by 30 centimeters. His unusual name was the Dead Sea is not accidental – it does not live fish or other marine life, as the sea has very high salt content.

But people who can not swim, can go fearlessly into the Dead Sea, without fear of drowning – sea will keep the surface of a person with any weight! One of the favorite pastimes of tourists – to read newspaper or book, lying on the waves of the Dead Sea. Features from the Dead Sea resorts Most resorts are the main advantages from the Dead Sea – a dry climate, numerous hot springs, mountain streams, wonderful nature and Finally, a unique spa-resorts and medical clinics. Dead Sea resorts are renowned for their unique therapeutic and wellness opportunities.