
The deteriorizao of the neuropsicomotor development is present in 95% of the cases. Lung cancer will undoubtedly add to your understanding. 2.10.7) Psychiatric riots Exist relation with insanities autismo and psychosis. 2.10.8) CHARACTERISTICS AND SYMPTOMS Can present a rupture with the social life. It has delay in the development neuropsicomotora deteriorizao, infantile espasmos, and can present intellectual deficit and a mental retardation. The crises occur during the vigil being able until having one hundred per day 2.10.9) alternative Medicine In the desperation to see this illness slowly fatal spoiling the brain of its son, many parents leave for the alternative Medicine but until today comprovadamente the conventional treatment he is more advantageous. 3) Materials and Methods Are a descriptive research focando in the reality of the citizen observing to see the realities of the carriers of the syndrome. It analyzes of the theoretical referencial to see the causes.

3.1) The scene of the Research the Syndrome of West occurs in the entire world. masculine sex is affected, in the ratio of 2 for 1.Estatiscamente of each 3 boys for 2. Its prevalence occurs the 1 between 4000 and 6000 births In Brazil statistics in Brazil of each 1 to each 10 a thousand. In the city of Fernandpolis 3,2) Election of data Analyzes of the bibliographical references to see the existence and the life of patients in the city of Fernandpolis. 3.3) Codification All the data must be classified.

It has the attribution of a code, either one I number and letter each one with one meaning. According to Big Glaser, this stage consists of desmembrar, examining, to compare minutely. Not forgetting to contextualizar it, the research seno loses the meaning. 3.4) Codification All the data must be classified. It has the attribution of a code, either one I number and letter each one with one meaning.